Department of Computer Science

Dr. Fouzia Jabeen
Tel: +92-91-9224769
Department of Computer Science is one of the pioneer department of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar. Our goal is the education and training of a diverse body of students who can lead this information technology revolution. To this end, the computing programs orient students toward the pragmatic aspects of computing and provide the learning and practices to make them proficient computing professionals. Computational thinking is rooted in solid mathematics and science, and grounding in these fundamentals is essential. Our laboratory environment exposes students to many commercial software tools and systems, and introduces modern software development techniques. In the context of the practice of computing, this early grounding forms the basis for an education that prepares students for a computing career.
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Vision Statement
The department will redefine learning, research and development in a global context by setting new standards. It will be a place to learn about the latest developments in the constantly developing field of computing. It aims to be the central research center for the development and enhancement of research studies in the country especially for female researchers in the field of Computer Science.
Mission Statement
The department will redefine learning, research and development in a global context by setting new standards. It will be a place to learn about the latest developments in the constantly developing field of computing. It aims to be the central research center for the development and enhancement of research studies in the country especially for female researchers in the field of Computer Science.
Programs Offered
- M.Sc (Computer Science) started in 2005
- BS (Computer Science) started in 2011
- MS (Computer Science) started in 2015
- PhD program will start soon after NOC from HEC
Students Research Paper Presentations in Conferences
BSCS and SE Curricula 2023 (Semester Wise)
BS CS Curriculum(2014-2018) and (2015-2019) with course codes
BS (CS) Curriculum (2016-2020)