Department of Food and Nutrition

Dr. Bushra Ahmad
Tel: +92-91-9224813
Department of Food and Nutrition
SBBWU, Department of Food and Nutrition is committed to improve human health and wellbeing through a balanced diet, adequate nutrition, and healthy lifestyle. Our team strives to achieve this goal through a wide range of research initiatives focusing on nutritional epidemiology, food technology, nutritional biochemistry, public health, clinical nutrition, and (medical) anthropology of food. The department offers programs that provide a theoretical and practical framework to comprehend the fundamentals of nutrition for a broader implementation of nutritional strategies at a local, national, and global level. We are committed to preparing our graduates for outstanding professional careers, from planning to applying nutritional strategies at the aforementioned levels. The offered degree programs will play a substantial role to develop a thorough understanding of nutritional science's essentials along with practical training concerning the food, health, and agriculture sectors. This in-depth understating will support studying, analyzing, and knowing the factors that influence nutrition at molecular to the monumental level, perinatal to aging, and micro to macro levels. Thus, we invite you to join our team and learn to make this world a better living place.
Vision Statement of the Department
- To be a platform for providing advance academic standards in the field of Food and Nurition sciences to aware Pakistani women. The Department of Food and Nutrition serves international, national, regional and local communities through discovery of the ways in which foods and their bioactive components contribute to health and the prevention of disease and through effective application of nutrition knowledge to improve human health and well-being.
Mission of the Department
The Mission of the Department of Food and Nutrition is to better human health by:
- Contributing to the fundamental knowledge of how nutrients and food components function at cellular, systematic, and whole body levels and impact human health and disease,
- Delivering innovative, research-based interventions and service programs which alter meal patterns and food choices with the goal of improved health of individuals, families, and communities,
- Contributing to the knowledge-base of nutrition undergraduate and graduate students through high quality teaching, training, and research mentorship, and
- Providing service to professional, governmental, and local community organizations.
Academic Programmes
The Department of Food and Nutrition offers the following programs.
- BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics (04-Year, 08-Semester)
- BS Food Science and Technology (04-Year, 08-Semester)
Programmes Objectives
The programme revolves around following goals and objectives, and implements its strategic plan in:
Access to Education and Student Success: Attract qualified undergraduate and graduate students through opportunities to work closely with faculty on research throughout their studies, enrich undergraduate experiential learning through opportunities and capstone experiences, and Further integrate service learning experiences.
Health and Wellness across the Life Cycle: Promote the translation of nutrition research to health and quality of life, target health research in obesity, chronic disease, and bioactive food components, develop nutrition interventions and education programs tailored for high risk populations that experience health disparities, and engage students and local community members as participants in applied research that encourages healthful eating and increased physical activity.
Leadership Development: Involve all students in using the latest technology in their research and course-work, incorporate capstone experiences to develop critical thinking and the ability to apply nutrition skills and knowledge that address global nutrition issues, and develop professionals with tools that allow students to access credible information and understand how to translate and communicate emerging nutrition knowledge to the public and other professionals
Economic, Cultural, and Community Engagement: Train professionals to meet the marketplace demands of the health industry, and government agencies, promote nutrition-related sustainable practices in scholarship, research, and teaching, and promote sustainability in the community and in the classroom to encourage use of local food sources and create opportunities for healthier lifestyles.
Internationalization: Provide class opportunities that expose students to the culture, history, and foods of other regions, promote international exchange opportunities in education and research to all students, and offer opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research and provide programs to culturally diverse populations.