Department of Botany

Dr. Faiza Tawab
Tel: 9224811
Botany as a subject is multidisciplinary in nature, involving study of plants and their genetic, morphological and physiological attributes, their surrounding environment, and their role in conservation of environment. Botany is a combination of various disciplines such as Genetics, Physiology, Ecology, Embryology, Microbiology, Evolution, Systematics, Plant pathology, Vascular plants etc. This subject has significant role in human resource development, food security, environmental conservation, sustainable development and ultimately in alleviation of poverty.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria for BS:
F.Sc. Pre medical/ A level (with Biology and Chemistry)
The department intend to be among the leading departments of Botany country wide and to be a cradle of quality, up-to-date source of education and research which has relevance to local, regional and national needs. The department looks forward to launch post graduate, M.Phil. /Ph.D. programs in future as well.
The mission of the department of Botany is to;
- Utilize the knowledge and expertise in order to train students in plant science.
- Equip them with professional skills and ethical practices relevant to plant sciences.
- Create an attractive and research based innovative department where students want to come for study and contribute their role in the welfare of humanity by finding ways to increase the food production, to preserve rare species by improving their habitat.
- Find different plant diseases and their solution.
- To impart knowledge about the major disciplines of Botany. It will enable the students to understand the principles of organizations and inter-relationships in the biological systems with particular reference to plant diversity.
- To train students for advanced studies and specialization on recently emerging technological and multidisciplinary fields such as Genetic Engineering and Biodiversity. After completing the degree / students will be able to apply their knowledge to their respective fields effectively.
- To teach different methods of exploration, investigation, organization of data and its utilization in practical life.
- To equip students with knowledge and skills for better planning and management of plant resources and environment.
To develop the scientific culture and demonstrate professional skills in teaching / research/ managerial positions in wide range of professions in national and international organizations.