M.Ed (01 Year) Program

Objectives of M.Ed (01 Year) Program:

At the end of the course students will be able to;

  1. explain the laws, theories and principles of concept of educational psychology.
  2. develop the relationship among various elements of curriculum.
  3. design school improvement plan in light of the factors leading to school effectiveness.
  4. explain the nature and concept of research in education.
  5. develop school improvement plan in light of the factors affecting educational management.
  6. classify the computers into different categories 
  7. explain the significant terms and concepts of Philosophy of Education. 
  8. explain the role of measurement and evaluation in teaching. 
  9. acquire the laws, theories and principles of guidance and counseling.
  10. demonstrate  the four language skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing.
  11. explain the  nature of science and its role in the life of individual and society.