Department of History

Dr. Hamida
Tel: +92-91-9224810
To be nationally recognized as one of the premier History schools for females and for its excellence in research and academics in the field of history. History department of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University envisions as exploring the history, encompassing social, intellectual, political, and economics history by carrying out research projects, by arrangements of conferences and by systematic attempt to study history with its various implications on present days. At a broader level, it aims at establishing the mutual educational contacts and creating reciprocal understanding and cooperation among the academics of the different parts of the world.
Similarly, History department envisages extensive scientific research and to promote research culture throughout Pakistan. Its academic programme focuses on enrolling students in Masters in History and M. Phil/Ph. D in Asian Studies. In this way the cultural, regional, social, political and, intellectual history of Pakistan will be reconstructed. This pursuit will definitely contribute to development and promotion of History.
The Department of History intends to recruit highly qualified faculty to provide quality education and research in Historical fields and culture. The Department mission is to contribute to the promotion of Cultural Tourism in Pakistan in particular and in the region in general.
The department is committed to provide high historical education to females and to Educate them to how they can rationally apply their past to their present and how they can draw their future picture in the light of past.
Programme of Study
MA History 2 Years (4 semesters)
The Department of History established in 2015, offers a wide array of MA courses to provide students with a broad overview of world history narrowing down to focus on the history of Pakistan with special emphasis on socio-economic, cultural and political history.
Co-Curricular Activities
The Department of History offers a number of activities including guest speakers, special seminars and conferences, trips to historical sites to further develop students’ academic excellence and research capabilities. The department also conducts various sessions of debate and discussions on different historical themes encompassing social, political and cultural events. Documentaries related to the Ancient Civilizations and movies related to South Asian History and European history are the compulsory part and parcel of co-curricular activities to bordering the vision of the students about history.