Data for Annual Report 2010-11 Covering the Period from July 2010 to June 2011

Intervarsity Championship

The following Events were organized by Directorate of Sports in Session 2010-11.

 All Pakistan Intervarsity Championships.

S.No Event Venue Session
1 Foot Ball Islamabad 2010-11
2 Cricket Bahawalpur ---
3 Badminton Sargodha ---
4 Volley Ball Islamabad ---
5 Athletics Islamabad ---

  The university participated in the above games in the Intervarsity.

Football Women Championship 2010-11 organized by HEC at Pakistan Sports Complex in which our university got Second Position  &  Silver Medal. The PUSB also awarded Merit Certificate to the wining team.


Inter College Championship:

The following events are organized by Directorate of Sports during the session 2010-11

S.No Event
1 Volley Ball
2 Hand Ball
3 Foot Ball
4 Basket Ball
5 Cricket
6 Hockey
7 Badminton
8 Table Tennis
9 Tug of War
10 Athletics


The Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar had arranged 2nd Inter Colleges Sports Tournaments Prize Distribution Ceremony 2010-11

Begum Governor was the chief guest of the ceremony.

Round about 500 guests participated. Prizes and certificates were distributed among 270 Prize Winner in different games

All affiliated Colleges principals and lecturer in HPE were invited in Sports Tournaments Prize Distribution Ceremony.