Quality Enhancement Cell

Functions of QECs at Affiliated Colleges

The TORs of the QEC of affiliated colleges have been extracted from the TORs of the QECs at the Universities with some amendments as per the setup of the affiliated college and its reporting mechanism to QEC of Affiliating University, Directorate of Colleges and Higher Education Department.

  1. The QEC will be established in each affiliated college to be headed by a professional whose services will be hired against relevant criteria for quality assurance of higher education. The reporting authority for this position will be Principal of respective Affiliated College. 
  2. The QEC at affiliated college will be responsible for promoting public confidence that the quality and standards for award of degrees by the affiliating university, management and overall quality of knowledge being imparted by the affiliated college are enhanced and safeguarded.
  3. QEC at affiliated college will be responsible for the review of quality standards by auditing academic standards and quality of teaching, learning and management in each subject area.
  4. QEC at affiliated college will be responsible to ensure that the affiliated college’s quality assurance procedures are designed to fit in with the arrangements in place at the affiliating university and nationally for maintaining and improving the quality of higher education.
  5. QEC staff at affiliated college will get training from the QEC of Affiliating University on the subject of quality in higher learning and will be responsible to implement and disseminate that acquired knowledge into the learning environment of the affiliated college.
  6. QEC at affiliated college will be responsible to develop procedures for the following:
    •  Improvement in the existing programs and approval of new programs in consultation with already existing body responsible for the task at affiliating universities.
    • Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty assessment and student’s perception.
    • Develop a data source for accurate information regarding quality assurance which will be deliverable to all stakeholders.
    • Departmental review
    • Student feedback
    • Employer feedback
    • Quality assurance of BS, M.Phil, MS and PhD degree program.
    • Subject review
    • Institutional Audit
    • Program specifications
    • Qualification framework.
  7. Overall quality improvements in institutional management / leadership.